Greetings, all readers. Nice to see so many of you turning the visitor calculator on our blog. Scooter sport is growing more than gold price these days.
Years ago I considered trying Kick Tour de France - the obvious goal for a long distance kick tourer and TdF fan - but discarded it as impossible. And now I learned that this passionate (some would use expression 'crazy') Ultima Team is going for it! I HAD to participate. It's not an easy task - the most ambitious scooter sport attempt ever - and we are super motivated to prepare for it.
Near 200 km a day, mountains, for 3 weeks, is a lot. We are slower than bike peloton, and since we are going to spend more time on the road and less resting, we also need to take it easier. Which means still more time on the road. I'd like to count 10 hours for work, 2 hours for eating, 1 hour for other delays (Flat tire, getting lost, damn headwind, not finding your socks, support group went to a bar...) and 12 hours for sleeping. But since there just ain't 25 hours in a day plus we need to pee, shit and wash ourselves daily, we have to skip some nice dreams. (Washing ourselves and overall hygieny will be something not to skip on the Tour. Brush your teeth boys!).
Strong days are fun but we are riding together, not sorting out a winner. For surviving the Tour, weak days are decisive, so better prepare for those. My guess is some of us will kick through but some won't. Catch a flu and you're easily out. Diarrhea or injury: out. Everyone will have some bad days but we also have a team that can help to get over them. If all goes well we take care of our own bodies and fellow teammates so that there won't be too many bad days in a row for anyone. It's a tough desicion to leave someone behind for the stage (Don't know if 'Trhni si nohou' is a proper expression here?) Anyway, it's best to train our weak areas to make the team consistent, moving at the same pace.
My personal weaknesses, top three:
1) Stomach. It will get upset if I have to push too hard. Good overall condition (so that you're not pushing on the limits) plus long non-stop trainings will help with this. Up to next summer I will base my training on lots of cross country running, which is a great overall workout and some adventure racing, which enables really long training sessions. Both put my stomach to a tough test.
2) Achilles tendons. They don't always like dozens of kilometers of uphill. Starting a month ago, I've done one leg hops every day. Going to bus, do 20. Back from work, do 30 etc. Same for the next year and a half, except for hard kicking days and recoveries after them. I'm careful listening to my body and doing rather too little than too much. Consistency is important, not the intensity.
3) Ball of the foot. Close relation with achilles tendons, but tends to hurt after long flat road days. The same hops will help, as will substantial increase in kicked kilometers after this spring. For both reasons 2 and 3 I'll bring a second pair of softer kick shoes with higher heel to France. Having your heel close to the ground and no flex between foot and asphalt saves lots of energy, but I likely have to trade off some energy to save my feet.
Weaknesses for the whole team, top one:
1) Rainy headwind days. Unwise to fight back. Better to be humble. Plastic bags for the hands, vaseline for the groin, mount a rear mudguard, toil, accept that we'll use 14 hours instead of 10. Lots of kicking is best preparation for this. There's rough 300 000 kicks on the tour, it's not that much. (By the way, there's 1 800 000 seconds in three weeks -> one kick every 5 seconds)
With good training we can start the tour relaxed to enjoy all the sunny days, most beautiful roads in France - if not whole Europe, and get thrilled by the mountain descents. Maybe even enjoy french cuisine. By the tradition, the 2013 Tour should climb the Pyrenees first, and Alps towards the end of the three weeks. I have a dream - that on the final mountain day, we'll face Alpe d'Huez. And there will be kickers from many countries to ride it with us, and tifosi lining up the road. AND we are still going strong enough to make it a race. (Bonus would be Dirk with Genepi on the finishline. Hello's to Dirk)
紅蜘蛛 | 07.04. 2016 09:05
威哥王: 花痴: 紅蜘蛛: 巨人倍増: 威哥王: 威哥王: 催淫剤: 催淫薬: 中絶薬: 妊娠中絶薬: 五夜神: 三便宝: 蟻力神: 三體牛鞭: 勃動力三體牛鞭: 五便宝: VigRx: 三体牛鞭: ビグレックス: 徳国黒金: 蔵秘男宝: 中華牛鞭: 蔵秘男宝: 男宝: ナンパオ: 好漢哥: 三鞭粒: 魔根: 壮三天: 女性用精力剤: 女性用媚薬: 女性媚薬: http://紅蜘蛛 紅蜘蛛 花痴: 紅蜘蛛: 妖姫: 媚薬通販: 催淫カプセル: 淫インモラル: D10媚薬: D10催情剤: 催情剤: D8 催情剤: 絶對高潮: FLY D5: 蒼蝿水: D5原液: レディーチャイナ: 催情丹: 美人豹: 妻之友: 天天素: 韓国痩身一号: 韓国痩身1号: 痩身1号: 威哥王: 巨人倍増: 三便宝: 蟻力神: 蟻力神(第五代): 三體牛鞭: 勃動力三體牛鞭: 三体牛鞭: 中華牛鞭: RU486: MaxMan: 蔵八宝: 五便宝: 狼一号: 狼1号: 黒倍王: 新一粒神: アフリカ超人: 徳国公牛: 壮根精華素: 街頭覇王睾丸素: セフラジン: 精力剤: 漢方薬: 中絶 薬: 催情薬: ペニス増大: 花痴: 妖姫: D10催情剤: 絶對高潮: D10媚薬: 福源春: 天天素: 精力剤販売: 威哥王: 巨人倍増: 三體牛鞭: 勃動力三體牛鞭: 三体牛鞭: 狼1号: 狼一号: 五便宝: 蟻力神(第五代): 三便宝: 蟻力神: 黒倍王: VigRx: RU486: MaxMan: 中華牛鞭: 新一粒神: 男宝: 魔根: 壮天根: 三鞭粒: 淫インモラル: 紅蜘蛛: 催淫カプセル: D8 催情剤: 蒼蝿水: 花之欲: 美人豹: セフラジン: V26: 曲美: 韓国痩身一号: 痩身1号: 催情剤: 催情粉: 女性催情剤: 催情薬: 催淫通販: 西班牙昆虫粉: 紅蜘蛛 漢方会社: 天天素: V26: D10催情剤: 消渇丸: 三体牛鞭: 三體牛鞭: 勃動力三體牛鞭: 三便宝: 蟻力神: 蟻力神(第五代): 五便宝: 威哥王: 威哥王: 巨人倍増: 紅蜘蛛: 花痴: D10 媚薬: 絶對高潮: 妖姫: 淫インモラル: 狼一号: 狼1号: MaxMan: 黒倍王: 蔵八宝: 新一粒神: 壮天根: 壮陽一号: RU486: 媚薬販売: 精力剤: 催淫: 勃起促進: 中絶薬: 媚薬 販売: 花痴: 淫インモラル: 花痴: 威哥王: 巨人倍増: 催情丹: 媚薬: 媚薬通販: 女性媚薬: 媚薬激安: 媚薬カプセル: 巨人倍増: 中絶薬: プロコミルスプレー: 催情薬: レビトラ: d10媚薬: 絶對高潮: d5原液: 花之欲: ED治療薬: 淫インモラル: 妖姫: 媚薬カプセル: 三便宝: 三體牛鞭: 勃動力三體牛鞭: 壮根精華素: 韓国痩身一号: 韓国痩身1号: 痩身1号: V26: 縮陰膏: 精力剤: 威哥王: 威哥王: 三體牛鞭: 勃動力三體牛鞭: 三便宝: 男宝: 五便宝: 巨人倍増: 狼1号: 狼一号: 蟻力神: 蟻力神(第五代): 蔵八宝: 黒倍王: ru486: 中絶薬RU486: 縮陰膏: 天天素: V26: 曲美: 福源春: 紅蜘蛛: 花痴: 妖姫: 淫インモラル: D10 媚薬: D10催情剤: 絶對高潮: 精力剤: 漢方薬: 媚薬: Wenickman: 威哥王