www.kickbike.com - wold leader in producing scooter for adults owned by the legend of scooter sport, Hannu vierikko, Finland
www.yedoo.cz - the Czech producer of scooter for children and adults, great designed Yedoo scooters are expanding worldwide these days
www.atexsport.cz - the Czech producer of sport clothing working also for the Czech biathlon team, Martina Sábliková and many more great athletes
www.ceskacesta.cz - Naším posláním je rozvoj firem, pracovních týmů i jednotlivých pracovníků.Ve spolupráci s klienty vytváříme řešení, která vedou k naplnění jejich potřeb v oblasti lidských zdrojů z hlediska strategie, kompetencí, péče a loajality. Základem naší práce je aktivní přístup, inspirace a respekt ke zkušenostem.
www.hoch.cz - producer of promotional materials working also for World Ice Hockey Champs and other big sport events
Kooperativa is the second largest insurance company on the domestic market. It was established in 1991 as the first commercial insurance company on the territory of former Czechoslovakia. Our share of the compulsory insurance in the Czech Republic is 20,5 %. We are a universal insurance company offering full range of services and all standard types of insurance for individuals as well as company clients from small businesses to large industrial companies.
Kooperativa is part of the Vienna Insurance Group (VIG), one of the leading insurance groups in the Middle and Eastern European countries with their shares being traded on the stock exchange markets in Vienna and Prague. In addition to their primary market in Austria, Vienna Insurance Group is also present through its subsidiaries in Albania, Belarus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Georgia, Croatia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Latvia, Hungary, Macedonia, Germany, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Serbia, Turkey, and Ukraine. Apart from that, they also have branches in Italy and Slovenia. On the Austrian market the syndicate is represented by Wiener Staedtische Versicherung AG Vienna Insurance Group, Donau Versicherung, and Sparkassen Versicherung. The further control a minority share in Wuestenrot Versicherung
The biggest Czech broadcaster comes with the coverage of the project, live broadcasting from France and also other news and interviews covering the project and footbike sport itself...
Divadelní společnost Jana Hrušínského byla založena v roce 2002 a navazuje na dlouholetou rodinnou tradici. Předkové a příslušníci rodiny Hrušínských působí v českém divadle nepřetržitě od poloviny devatenáctého století. Prvním držitelem divadelní koncese v rodině byl pan Ondřej Červíček, který povolení k provozování divadelního spolku získal v roce 1883. Za všechny známé osobnosti, které prošly divadelní historií "rodiny" jmenujme např. v r. 1851 Josefa Kajetána Tyla nebo později, v první polovině 20. století např. Karla Lamače, Rudolfa Hrušínského či Josefa Kemra. Rodinná tradice nyní pokračuje v Divadle Na Jezerce…
www.garmin.cz - great producer of GPS and sports GPS equipment - we use Garmin EDGE 810 and 510 for online tracking of our team.
With the SKV Prague partnerships we get a charity dimension to our project. For more info visit the Kick Your Life version of the projwebsite
Guys from Speedweaponry supplies us with carbon ZIPP wheels and COMPEX - great machine that could work as a masseur of our team