Alpo thoughts about Corsica - 23.03. 2012
Compared to the rest of France, Corsica is:
Hadn't there been this project, I might not have ever visited Corsica, which would have been a shame. For all I've read, it's a fantastic island, but not conveniently on a way to anywhere else.
Thinking about it, being more difficult to reach and being fantastic place may have some correlation between them.
A little bit unfortunately, we can expect hard working days, so we will have to skip some gems like Col de Bavella or Cirque de la Solitude.
We will have a tighter schedule here too, since we need to catch the ferries to freight the team across to Nice in time.
Corsica is an island (how clever) and a mountainous one which means roads windy in three ways: horizontal, vertical and relative to air.
Horizontal winding makes road exciting, and I hope not overly so. Corsicans drive fast + during our visit there will be lots of tourists too. These stages can be the best bet for a traffic accident. French drivers do respect a biker so I'm more worried about our support cars.
Vertical winding is not that bad. I actually like that. Every meter you climb you get also back. Most roads we take are not that steep but instead the most enjoyable medium grades.
The Corsican winds: Fiery Mistral from north, hot Scirocco from south and the prevailing wind Libeccio from southwest are not that fair. You kick headwind or tailwind all day and may not get a reward or payback ever. Here it helps a lot that we are just a plain lucky team. Scirocco for days one and three, Mistral kicks in between for day two. I suppose this is not actually possible. Most probably we'll have Libeccio blowing all the time, which is quite ok except for the second day.
Not a specialty for Czech, or Finnish kickers! Lots of water will be used both internally and externally. Luckily the stages are a tad short, so we might choose to have a siesta with a swim and kick more in the morning and evening, except for the third stage when we need to catch the Nice ferry. During south European touring I've always found out darkness comes too soon, so we better have good light systems in case we want to kick to late evening.
I want to thank, by the way, Francis and Sheila of their Virtual Alps -site ( that was an abundant source of inspiration for all my Alpine Tours. Even if there nowadays are more technically advanced websites, I still checked what they had to say about Corsica.
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巨人倍増 | 06.04. 2016 04:53
威哥王: 花痴: 紅蜘蛛: 巨人倍増: 威哥王: 威哥王: 催淫剤: 催淫薬: 中絶薬: 妊娠中絶薬: 五夜神: 三便宝: 蟻力神: 三體牛鞭: 勃動力三體牛鞭: 五便宝: VigRx: 三体牛鞭: ビグレックス: 徳国黒金: 蔵秘男宝: 中華牛鞭: 蔵秘男宝: 男宝: ナンパオ: 好漢哥: 三鞭粒: 魔根: 壮三天: 女性用精力剤: 女性用媚薬: 女性媚薬: http://紅蜘蛛 紅蜘蛛 花痴: 紅蜘蛛: 妖姫: 媚薬通販: 催淫カプセル: 淫インモラル: D10媚薬: D10催情剤: 催情剤: D8 催情剤: 絶對高潮: FLY D5: 蒼蝿水: D5原液: レディーチャイナ: 催情丹: 美人豹: 妻之友: 天天素: 韓国痩身一号: 韓国痩身1号: 痩身1号: 威哥王: 巨人倍増: 三便宝: 蟻力神: 蟻力神(第五代): 三體牛鞭: 勃動力三體牛鞭: 三体牛鞭: 中華牛鞭: RU486: MaxMan: 蔵八宝: 五便宝: 狼一号: 狼1号: 黒倍王: 新一粒神: アフリカ超人: 徳国公牛: 壮根精華素: 街頭覇王睾丸素: セフラジン: 精力剤: 漢方薬: 中絶 薬: 催情薬: ペニス増大: 花痴: 妖姫: D10催情剤: 絶對高潮: D10媚薬: 福源春: 天天素: 精力剤販売: 威哥王: 巨人倍増: 三體牛鞭: 勃動力三體牛鞭: 三体牛鞭: 狼1号: 狼一号: 五便宝: 蟻力神(第五代): 三便宝: 蟻力神: 黒倍王: VigRx: RU486: MaxMan: 中華牛鞭: 新一粒神: 男宝: 魔根: 壮天根: 三鞭粒: 淫インモラル: 紅蜘蛛: 催淫カプセル: D8 催情剤: 蒼蝿水: 花之欲: 美人豹: セフラジン: V26: 曲美: 韓国痩身一号: 痩身1号: 催情剤: 催情粉: 女性催情剤: 催情薬: 催淫通販: 西班牙昆虫粉: 紅蜘蛛 漢方会社: 天天素: V26: D10催情剤: 消渇丸: 三体牛鞭: 三體牛鞭: 勃動力三體牛鞭: 三便宝: 蟻力神: 蟻力神(第五代): 五便宝: 威哥王: 威哥王: 巨人倍増: 紅蜘蛛: 花痴: D10 媚薬: 絶對高潮: 妖姫: 淫インモラル: 狼一号: 狼1号: MaxMan: 黒倍王: 蔵八宝: 新一粒神: 壮天根: 壮陽一号: RU486: 媚薬販売: 精力剤: 催淫: 勃起促進: 中絶薬: 媚薬 販売: 花痴: 淫インモラル: 花痴: 威哥王: 巨人倍増: 催情丹: 媚薬: 媚薬通販: 女性媚薬: 媚薬激安: 媚薬カプセル: 巨人倍増: 中絶薬: プロコミルスプレー: 催情薬: レビトラ: d10媚薬: 絶對高潮: d5原液: 花之欲: ED治療薬: 淫インモラル: 妖姫: 媚薬カプセル: 三便宝: 三體牛鞭: 勃動力三體牛鞭: 壮根精華素: 韓国痩身一号: 韓国痩身1号: 痩身1号: V26: 縮陰膏: 精力剤: 威哥王: 威哥王: 三體牛鞭: 勃動力三體牛鞭: 三便宝: 男宝: 五便宝: 巨人倍増: 狼1号: 狼一号: 蟻力神: 蟻力神(第五代): 蔵八宝: 黒倍王: ru486: 中絶薬RU486: 縮陰膏: 天天素: V26: 曲美: 福源春: 紅蜘蛛: 花痴: 妖姫: 淫インモラル: D10 媚薬: D10催情剤: 絶對高潮: 精力剤: 漢方薬: 媚薬: Wenickman: 威哥王