At the very beginning we are supposed to say, how all of these began. Long time ago our friend, Vašek Liška, from now on to be signed as Mr. Liška (or Fox), got lost himself in dreams and said:” May be, I am just saying shits, however how about riding whole Tour de France by footbike…?”
It is very close to reality, that Mr. Liška said this when playing our favorite desk table cycling game PELOTON, when he for the first and also least time won with Marco Pantani, of course he was cheating that time. Despite of that cheating we have sided with him, as he is really not a very good player of PELOTON. We just laughed about his Tour idea – nobody of us knew that this was a breakpoint. From time to time Mr. Liška was talking about his plan, later renamed to sportive dream, so we have not forgotten it at all.
Time has been running through days, weeks, months and ages, we were getting older and we were slowly changing our main sport, athletics, for footbiking. Mr. Liška´s sportive dream was suddenly taken into account and renamed from “impossible” to “what if…”
In 2009 we started our project to help footbike sport and footbikes themselves in Europe. From that point on, it was just a short step to real planning of "Tour de France by Footbike" project.
On November 6th 2010 we met Mr. Josef Zimovčák. This guy had ridden whole Tour distance one day before cyclist by historical high bike in 2005. The output of our meeting was great. “What if” rapidly changed to “Yes, we can!!!” From that point on we started our preparations for July 2013 hell on the French roads.
Today, one year later, we stay here with complete "Kick Your Life, Kick France 2013 – Tour de France by Footbike" project in hands. Our preparations and training will be running another 19 moths till July 2013.
And then? If footbike God was not against, we would meet each other under the Arc de Triumphe in Paris some three weeks later, with Alps and Pyrenees in our legs and a dream that came true…
Just follow us, stay with us and keep your finger cross!!! We will keep you updated.
紅蜘蛛 | 07.04. 2016 09:06
威哥王: 花痴: 紅蜘蛛: 巨人倍増: 威哥王: 威哥王: 催淫剤: 催淫薬: 中絶薬: 妊娠中絶薬: 五夜神: 三便宝: 蟻力神: 三體牛鞭: 勃動力三體牛鞭: 五便宝: VigRx: 三体牛鞭: ビグレックス: 徳国黒金: 蔵秘男宝: 中華牛鞭: 蔵秘男宝: 男宝: ナンパオ: 好漢哥: 三鞭粒: 魔根: 壮三天: 女性用精力剤: 女性用媚薬: 女性媚薬: http://紅蜘蛛 紅蜘蛛 花痴: 紅蜘蛛: 妖姫: 媚薬通販: 催淫カプセル: 淫インモラル: D10媚薬: D10催情剤: 催情剤: D8 催情剤: 絶對高潮: FLY D5: 蒼蝿水: D5原液: レディーチャイナ: 催情丹: 美人豹: 妻之友: 天天素: 韓国痩身一号: 韓国痩身1号: 痩身1号: 威哥王: 巨人倍増: 三便宝: 蟻力神: 蟻力神(第五代): 三體牛鞭: 勃動力三體牛鞭: 三体牛鞭: 中華牛鞭: RU486: MaxMan: 蔵八宝: 五便宝: 狼一号: 狼1号: 黒倍王: 新一粒神: アフリカ超人: 徳国公牛: 壮根精華素: 街頭覇王睾丸素: セフラジン: 精力剤: 漢方薬: 中絶 薬: 催情薬: ペニス増大: 花痴: 妖姫: D10催情剤: 絶對高潮: D10媚薬: 福源春: 天天素: 精力剤販売: 威哥王: 巨人倍増: 三體牛鞭: 勃動力三體牛鞭: 三体牛鞭: 狼1号: 狼一号: 五便宝: 蟻力神(第五代): 三便宝: 蟻力神: 黒倍王: VigRx: RU486: MaxMan: 中華牛鞭: 新一粒神: 男宝: 魔根: 壮天根: 三鞭粒: 淫インモラル: 紅蜘蛛: 催淫カプセル: D8 催情剤: 蒼蝿水: 花之欲: 美人豹: セフラジン: V26: 曲美: 韓国痩身一号: 痩身1号: 催情剤: 催情粉: 女性催情剤: 催情薬: 催淫通販: 西班牙昆虫粉: 紅蜘蛛 漢方会社: 天天素: V26: D10催情剤: 消渇丸: 三体牛鞭: 三體牛鞭: 勃動力三體牛鞭: 三便宝: 蟻力神: 蟻力神(第五代): 五便宝: 威哥王: 威哥王: 巨人倍増: 紅蜘蛛: 花痴: D10 媚薬: 絶對高潮: 妖姫: 淫インモラル: 狼一号: 狼1号: MaxMan: 黒倍王: 蔵八宝: 新一粒神: 壮天根: 壮陽一号: RU486: 媚薬販売: 精力剤: 催淫: 勃起促進: 中絶薬: 媚薬 販売: 花痴: 淫インモラル: 花痴: 威哥王: 巨人倍増: 催情丹: 媚薬: 媚薬通販: 女性媚薬: 媚薬激安: 媚薬カプセル: 巨人倍増: 中絶薬: プロコミルスプレー: 催情薬: レビトラ: d10媚薬: 絶對高潮: d5原液: 花之欲: ED治療薬: 淫インモラル: 妖姫: 媚薬カプセル: 三便宝: 三體牛鞭: 勃動力三體牛鞭: 壮根精華素: 韓国痩身一号: 韓国痩身1号: 痩身1号: V26: 縮陰膏: 精力剤: 威哥王: 威哥王: 三體牛鞭: 勃動力三體牛鞭: 三便宝: 男宝: 五便宝: 巨人倍増: 狼1号: 狼一号: 蟻力神: 蟻力神(第五代): 蔵八宝: 黒倍王: ru486: 中絶薬RU486: 縮陰膏: 天天素: V26: 曲美: 福源春: 紅蜘蛛: 花痴: 妖姫: 淫インモラル: D10 媚薬: D10催情剤: 絶對高潮: 精力剤: 漢方薬: 媚薬: Wenickman: 威哥王